In commemoration of the anniversary of the Battle of Eylau: special offer of “Battles of Napoleon Eylau 1807”: discount 20% !


Bonjour Grognards!
In commemoration of the anniversary of the Battle of Eylau, we offer the products of our “Battles of Napoleon Eylau 1807” with a discount of 20% until February 9th 2025 !


Vive l’Empereur!

Uwe Walentin


Battles Of Napoleon - Wartenburg 1813 - Bonus Dice


And I am also very pleased to tell you that Nicolas Blanchard updated the Vassal module for “Eylau 1807” to version 1.1. This version is so beautiful, Nicolas did a great job!

You can download it here ->

And here is the changelog:
– Charts updated to rules 1.5
– Graveyard and send to graveyard command added
– Stand check ribbon on units added
– Declare assault / charge on units added + a button menu to clear all declarations
– You can replace a black cube (10 AFPs) with 10 grey cubes (1 AFP)
– Bigger and visible zones for AFPs 10 and 1 in the common pool
– Rotate commands changed to avoid Apple shortcuts
– Less reporting in army windows for better FoW
– A few counters mistakes corrected

The new shiny things in video ->


Battles of Napoleon - Vol. 2 - Quatre Bras 1815

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