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A Strategy Game for 1 ~ 2 players

The Mediterranean Sea in ancient times. Images of magnificent coasts to be explored and legendary civilizations that rose to power come to mind.

Now in 2nd edition printing!

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History of the Ancient Seas I
~ Hellas 2nd Edition~

Designer: Karl Hauser
Artist(s): Marc von Martial
Developer: Uwe Walentin

Hist. period:
Game length:
180 minutes
Players: 1 – 2 players
Age: 14+ years
Complexity: 5 / 10
Solitaire: yes


~ Available Expansions ~

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New Armies

New Armies, new battles, Fog of War! Take History of the Ancient Seas to a new level!

Sod Hotas Pirates Barbarians Exp2 2nded 3d Boxfront Website+shop 800px

Pirates & Barbarians

“Sail in sight!” calls the sentry on the tower. To whom do these sails on the horizon belong?

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New Markets

New Markets for the Mediterranean! Explore new coasts and lands! Will your new conquests add to your empire?

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