Hello fellow gamers!
The Ancient Mediterranean Seas! An epoch full of myths. Endless coasts to be discovered and conquered. But the ancient empires were also Empires of trade and commerce in search of rare goods and grain to feed their people at home. Here it is: The game series that covers this fascinating era. Move your armies and ships over a vast map and lead your empire to the Golden Age.
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Here is the story of the very interesting situation in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea: ROME vs. CARTHAGE.
In order to win the game as Rome or Carthage in the 5-player game it is evident that you need to control a huge part of the western part of the Mediterranean Sea and keep your rival in this part of the map down. At the same time, Rome needs to keep an eye on his backyard. As the Greeks under Philip V. of Macedonia were historically involved in action in the Adriatic Sea and in Southern Italy the Roman needs to take care about this possible threat. The best tool is to offer armistice to the Greek player. But this will cost a lot of money over the course of game play. Carthage has the same issue with the Egypt player. Egypt will expand into western direction as far as Carthage allows.
The keys to success are Sicily and Hispania. Sicily is the springboard to Southern Italy or to North Africa. One way or the other. Hispania on the other hand is far to reach for both opponents but provides many provinces and goods. Players only have a limited number of fortresses. Once placed they are immobile. You need to plan their placement very well.
A look on the map is very likely misguiding the players. It seems like the western part of the map is a huge and empty and easy to gain control over. But it takes time and effort to get there and control all the resources in that area.
Once you control this part of the map you look like the winner. But as the Carthage player you are vulnerable on your eastern frontier. The Egyptian player has only two options where to expand: Face the Persian Empire or expand westwards into Tripolitania. If he does so, the Carthage player may not have the resources to fight Rome and Egypt.
Take control and keep control over Spain and Sicily is a complex undertaking. While you were focusing on territorial expansion, the other powers may have invested their resources into development and a clash with these empires will see you loosing. At the same time, you can’t let the Roman do what he wants. Control over provinces and islands can play a decisive role in winning the game. You are the only one who can really counter Roman expansion. If it is not you who is countering his expansion, no one will and the Roman most likely will win the game.
We will provide for free a two-player scenario on the western half of the huge map if players wish to face that situation.
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Take care and thanks for your interest in our games! See you in the next blog post,
your Uwe Walentin.
The “History of the Ancient Seas” Kickstarter campaign was successfully funded!